Tired of Running Around Stressed out and Exhausted?

Get more done in less time. Have more energy

Medical school and residency normalized

So now you struggle to plan and prioritize, as everything feels urgent and important

You don’t have to continue to drown in the activities of your day to day life


I remember struggling to get everything done each day.

Living in a constant state of crazy and hating how I felt each day but didn’t know how to make it better. I’ve made all the mistakes and will show you how to avoid the pitfalls. Saving you precious time and energy.
I’m going to teach you everything medical school and residency never taught you but are absolutely required for success as a doctor.
I created this free course because the EMR system and office work flow are counterproductive to taking the best care of your patients and make simple tasks 10x harder than they have to be. Just because the system is failing. You don’t have to fail. You will learn how to separate yourself from the chaos.

After you Take the Free Course…

You’ll know exactly why things seem so hard, figure out where you are losing time each day and how to start doing things differently.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this free course help me?
This course will show you why you keep getting stuck, why everything feels so chaotic and how you can start to create more time right now.
Is it possible to feel better now?
Yes, this course teaches you simple steps, tools and strategies to use right now. It will help you start navigating your obstacles and lighten your load.
Is something wrong with me?
No, it's not your fault. There is nothing wrong with you. The practice of medicine and taking care of sick people who trust us with their lives can be quite stressful. We have been conditioned to power through and are left feeling anger, fear, shame, isolation and self-doubt when things don't go as planned. Many have little time to process these emotions and these all have a significant impact on our lives and how we feel.


Ready to be less stressed and eliminate your chaotic days?

Take back control and create more time for the things you love
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Say Hi and Follow Me @yashikadooley

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